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I just want to point out, that when you have a contest where many self reported hard to check facts will determine the outcome. One should assume that most people are lying, or at the very least you are competiting with a non-trivial percentage of decitful bastards.

Given that, the optimal strategy is not to do all the extra curriculars, but to figure out which ones to say you did that will count but won't be checked. Did you go build houses in guatamala, is your essay about the loss of a brother, true, false, who cares. No one will check.

Addtionally, you should search your family tree for minority connection. If 23 and me says you are at least 1% something, that is your main thing, one drop rule motherfuckers. Also, always say you are gay/trans. It can't be checked, won't be revoked if you change your mind, and will give you wokemon points for affirmative action. Imagine saying my sons were straight white CIS males, whose parents only have incomes in the low 6-figures.

No we are Cubans, maybe one grandparent stayed there between fleeing Europe, then Castro. My kids identify as lesbian females, we are cuban lesbians, who aced the SAT/AP Math tests. Fuck all these people!

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This seems like a race to the bottom as well as a great way to feel terrible about oneself.

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It is a race to the bottom. This is why system design is important, trade-offs are real. If you let the virtue signalers design things, they will do it badly.

But honestly I always have a sense of pride from knowing which rules you have to follow, and which rules you can break. The ultimate social mastery is getting ahead by following the real rules of how the world actually works, rather than the story everyone else is telling themselves for signalling purposes.

Like the Pope doesn't believe in god, he just another narcasitic psychopath, who else climbs so high.

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