I remember, as a child, figuring out that the adults were liars and idiots.

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> we’re putting our kids into freezing conditions, making them wear masks all day, forcing them to eat lunch outside on the sidewalk, in addition to the traditional stuff like forcing them to get permission to go to the bathroom and be constantly taught that life is about following arbitrary orders. Also, see the school shooting incident this week, and our reaction to such things of literally forcing our kids to endure periodic ‘live shooter drills’ designed for maximum terror. None of that seems to bother all that many parents.

It's almost hilarious that a country gave up on online education, only to impose absurd stuff like this.

But mostly it's disappointing. When pandemic lockdowns started... well, then I thought it'd be a week or two. But as it continued, I thought with high confidence that WFH and online education will become the permanent norm - which IMO would be worth the cost of the pandemic.

I'm still a bit hopeful about WFH, at least. Forced online education implemented thoughtlessly (basically shitty emulation of legacy education) probably achieved the opposite effect.

The level of stagnation of our civilization is painful. Seems like nothing can ever move certain things.

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> Did you know that if you get sick with Covid-19 we can treat you? As in, give you medicine, and we have those, even if Paxlovid remains illegal? Yet somehow no one talks about any of that?

That's what extremist nudgerism (https://putanumonit.com/2021/04/03/monastery-and-throne) gets you. Also, it seems like everyone doing any persuasion attempt internalized the concept somehow and applies it.

Moral hazard is a cursed concept, sorta like "dogwhistling". Non-covid related example: near-universal shunning of geoengineering in a climate change debate / narratives.

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