I don't think I could thank you enough for caring about this so I don't have to myself (as much). Thanks!
I think, based on my own recent experiences, that most people are not masking on the subway. I'm tempted to join them!
If the CDC can actually _successfully_ upgrade their reporting system in two weeks, I'll be _very_ impressed. Mr priors are that that kind of thing is often effectively impossible for organizations like them.
> If you did report your results, I’m curious to hear about what motivated you to do that.
I *tried* to report my results, because I use a contact-tracing app.
Remember those? Yeah, those.
Anyway, I had to call them, and they told me to call my doctor to get a code, and my doctor had no idea how to do that.
I had hopes for contact tracing apps way back when, which may or may not have been foolish at the time, but they turned out to be a waste. We possibly could have done them different so they weren't wasted, but maybe not.
I don't think I could thank you enough for caring about this so I don't have to myself (as much). Thanks!
I think, based on my own recent experiences, that most people are not masking on the subway. I'm tempted to join them!
If the CDC can actually _successfully_ upgrade their reporting system in two weeks, I'll be _very_ impressed. Mr priors are that that kind of thing is often effectively impossible for organizations like them.
> If you did report your results, I’m curious to hear about what motivated you to do that.
I *tried* to report my results, because I use a contact-tracing app.
Remember those? Yeah, those.
Anyway, I had to call them, and they told me to call my doctor to get a code, and my doctor had no idea how to do that.
I had hopes for contact tracing apps way back when, which may or may not have been foolish at the time, but they turned out to be a waste. We possibly could have done them different so they weren't wasted, but maybe not.