Of all the possible litmus tests, I'm curious why the ERA thing is the one you are so adamant about? I'm curious how it's more egregious than most other partisan positions that various politicians hold.

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Outright trying to declare a change in the constitution? It hits different.

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>PornHub pulling out

I would just like to note that I See What You Did There. An interesting The More You Know(tm) though - wonder if there's a future for non-erotic YT-banned videos finding a home on PornHub. "They'll never think to look here!" (I bet Mr. Beast already has metrics on this, actually...)

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Willpower / creator appreciation: missed the opportunity to say this contemporaneously, but your layman's explanation of "TDT for weight loss" has been a consistently useful willpower-economizer for me, and I'm grateful for it. Expenditures are so much smaller once one realizes each decision is highly correlated rather than independent. Wish Eliezer could have explained it better himself, that'd have gotten a few more years' worth of savings. (Things/Symbolic Things likewise remains one of my all-time favourite posts by anyone. Can't unsee the structure of adam kadmon once you're given enough hints to notice the patterns everywhere...)

Mood music remains a baffling phenomenon. I don't understand putting on replacement-level pablum when superior alternatives are widely available at minimal cost. Much Quality music requires effortful listening, but hardly all of it...even for inevitable passive exposure, like literal royalty-free corporate music, there's lotsa options! I had the rare privilege several years ago to adjust the mix at my grocery store (requires the store manager's auth - Beware Trivial Inconveniences), and we've been including excellent funk and disco ever since, for improved utility all around. Really makes me wonder how much music is "consumed" less by affirmative appreciation, and more because no one can be bothered to change it to something better. (TV is a bit different; certain shows like Archer scratch a lot of the same itches as radio plays, which music doesn't quite cover. Barry, does reciting scenes by heart make up for not being able to sing along to song lyrics? Yes it does, Other Barry, yes it does...)

Also, yes, "hunger is the best spice" and people should season more generously.

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>He points to the Nordics allowing the public to access tax records,

This is an interesting one. I happen to be friends/colleagues with someone in the top 50 wealthiest of one of these countries, and he doesn't face most of the downsides that you speculate about here. Of course everyone knows he is quite wealthy, but he doesn't suffer in terms of being targeted, or discriminated against on price for the most part. Would you ascribe that fact to a difference in culture in the nordics, or is it possible perhaps that it's not as big a deal in practice?

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Had to do a search for that "entire HR team fired" item (dead link), which oddly led to an article saying "This led to the firing of half the HR department". The headline writers really don't bother to read the actual article, do they?

(for anybody who doesn't want to search,

https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/from-hiring-to-firing-entire-hr-team-terminated-after-managers-resume-fails-automated-screening/articleshow/113812083.cms )

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