What is Good hearts law?

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Goodhart's law is an adage often stated as, "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure".[1

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I finished the 24-poll thread mostly because I was extremely bored at the time and had nothing better to do. I actually scrolled by it first, thinking I don't have the attention span for it, then came back to it after realizing the rest of my twitter feed at that time was just crap (especially on the For You view, its clear when the algo has nothing good left when the tweets strongly shift towards hot takes).

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Do you think YouTube *will* adjust its evaluations to account for the poor product-market fit in Canada? If they do, how quickly would that happen? And before that happens, will they just throw away all data that its algorithm would not have served on its own, or use all of it?

(Briefly thinking -- I think they are not incentivized to work on this quickly? 90% of watch time on Canadian channels comes from outside of Canada anyway, and they can show other countries what would happen to their content creators if they pass a similar law.)

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Do we know anything/anything more about the "Followers" tab algorithm? I'm fairly confident it's not showing me every tweet by every person I follow, which is what I'd prefer (I'm not even confident Tweetdeck on my desktop is doing this either); even in the worst case where it's an unmanageable mess I'd still prefer decisions on how/what to filter be left up to me. I get that in some sense this isn't the product they're offering but they're not succeeding at driving me to the "For You" content as is either.

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I don't think we have enough knowledge about what "Safety Labels" are used for to say that information about Ukraine is downranked.

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