I won't argue about the political reality. I've gradually come to the realization that doing _anything_ real in today's political climate is pretty impossible, but I don't understand the "math" comment. If the money is small that definitionally means that the benefits they are receiving currently are small, unless you are arguing that th…
I won't argue about the political reality. I've gradually come to the realization that doing _anything_ real in today's political climate is pretty impossible, but I don't understand the "math" comment. If the money is small that definitionally means that the benefits they are receiving currently are small, unless you are arguing that the government is somehow able to get large multiplicative value out of providing non-monetary things relative to just the cash, to which I am pretty skeptical.
I won't argue about the political reality. I've gradually come to the realization that doing _anything_ real in today's political climate is pretty impossible, but I don't understand the "math" comment. If the money is small that definitionally means that the benefits they are receiving currently are small, unless you are arguing that the government is somehow able to get large multiplicative value out of providing non-monetary things relative to just the cash, to which I am pretty skeptical.
Math is discussed in detail here: https://www.milkenreview.org/articles/the-pragmatic-case-for-a-universal-basic-income