Very admirable, much more admirable than ‘sticking with your guns’ and now I know that every other post you have up would be taken down if it wasn’t revised properly.

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Yeah the man is a prince.

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Heartening to read retractions like this in the wake of Tyler Cowen’s recent “new right” essay and the commentary on behavior of elites (which aren’t “new” necessarily, but a well stated and recent summation).

This is modeling the elite behavior that, if it were the norm, would address many of the concerns raised by those looking to tear things down.

Interesting to think about the mix of incentives and personality that lead to decisions like this, and why it isn’t more common.

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No worries I deleted the email, looking forward to updated post. I'm 64, have had butt scoped twice so far.

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Curious to see what the revised post is. For me, when the recommendation to get a colonoscopy was moved to those 45 and older from 50, I checked the recommendation in the UK. I discovered that they have older Brits send stool sample in for testing and only do colonoscopies if they find something concerning in the sample. Their death rates from colon cancer (which they call bowel cancer?) are basically the same as ours. Consequently, I have decided to forgo the colonoscopy for now.

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