Sitemap - 2020 - Don't Worry About the Vase
Covid 12/31: Meet the New Year
Covid 12/24: We're F***ed, It's Over
On Robin Hanson's "Social Proof, but of What?"
Covid 12/10: Vaccine Approval Day in America
Covid 11/19: Don't Do Stupid Things
2020 Election: Prediction Markets versus Polling/Modeling Assessment and Postmortem
Covid 11/12: The Winds of Winter
Covid 11/5: Don't Mention the War
Covid Covid Covid Covid Covid 10/29: All We Ever Talk About
Spoiler-Free Review and then Semi-Walkthrough: Star Traders: Frontiers
The Uncertainty of Death and Taxes
PredictIt: Presidential Market is Increasingly Wrong
Covid 9/24: Until Morale Improves
Spoiler-Free Review: The Stanley Parable
Free Money at PredictIt: 2020 General Election
The Four Children of the Seder as the Simulacra Levels
Spoiler-Free Review: Death and Taxes
Covid 8/27: The Fall of the CDC
I Started a Sports and Gambling Substack
Wordpress Destroys Editing Process, Seeking Alternatives
Covid 8/13: Same As It Ever Was
Covid 8/6: The Case of the Missing Data
Unifying the Simulacra Definitions
New Paper on Herd Immunity Thresholds
Covid-19: Analysis of Mortality Data
Covid 7/9: Lies, Damn Lies and Death Rates
Spoiler-Free Review: Horizon Zero Dawn
Spoiler-Free Review: Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (plus a Spoilerific section)
Linkpost: M21 Review: We Have Normality
New York Times, Please Do Not Threaten The Safety of Scott Alexander By Revealing His True Name
Covid-19 6/18: The Virus Goes South
Simulacra Levels and their Interactions
Covid-19 6/11: Bracing For a Second Wave
Covid-19 6/4: The Eye of the Storm
Spoiler-Free Review: CrossCells
Spoiler-Free Review: Monster Train
Spoiler-Free Review: Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Plague in Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Legends of Runeterra: Early Review
Covid-19: New York's Antibody Tests 2
On Negative Feedback and Simulacra
SlateStarCodex 2020 Predictions: Buy, Sell, Hold
On "COVID-19 Superspreader Events in 28 Countries: Critical Patterns and Lessons"
My Covid-19 Thinking: 4/23 pre-Cuomo Data
Evaluating Predictions in Hindsight
Linkpost: A Comprehensive Review of Ikoria, Lair of Behemoths
Seemingly Popular Covid-19 Model is Obvious Nonsense
Taking Initial Viral Load Seriously
An Open Letter To The Congregation Regarding The Upcoming Holiday
Mazes Sequence Roundup: Final Thoughts and Paths Forward
Protecting Large Projects Against Mazedom
Create a Full Alternative Stack
How Doomed are Large Organizations?
How to Identify an Immoral Maze
What is Success in an Immoral Maze?